
A number of techniques, from desk-based assessment through geophysical survey to excavation, can be used to investigate the archaeological potential of a site. Each stage of investigation can therefore be regarded as ‘mitigation’ as archaeological potential is identified, examined and solutions sought to mitigate any damage or loss of archaeological sites and deposits. Information gathered during site evaluation is used to determine the nature and scale of likely impacts of the proposals on the archaeological remains and helps develop mitigation strategies to avoid or reduce any negative effects.

What's Involved?
Mitigation strategies aimed at preventing or minimising the impact of development can include:

  • preservation of archaeological remains in situ;
  • design solutions to avoid or protect archaeological remains, and
  • a programme of archaeological investigation and recording and dissemination of the results.

APS have a strong track record liaising with clients to help devise appropriate mitigation strategies. We have worked successfully with a wide and varied range of development issues in both urban and rural settings.




We can work with you to develop a mitigation strategy

Early consultation and evaluation can help in finding solutions to avoid the need for later detailed excavation which is both costly and time consuming. We are happy to discuss proposed developments at an early stage and work with you to find the right solution.