Paul Cope-Faulkner

Paul Cope-Faulkner BA (Hons), MCIfA, Senior Manager
Paul leads the team at APS and is an experienced field archaeologist; following his degree at the Institute of Archaeology he worked on numerous excavations across the country, including work as environmentalist. After spending time in India training local archaeologists, he joined APS in 1993 and has directed a large number of excavations in both urban and rural environments on behalf of the organisation. Paul is also an experienced post-excavation analyst, producing numerous grey literature reports, articles and publications including several in APS’s Lincolnshire Archaeology and Heritage Reports Series. He is experienced in undertaking desk-based assessments and Environmental Impact Assessments.
A specialist in stonework, Paul’s chief research interest is in Saxon and medieval monasticism, although he is also partial to landscape surveys and has undertaken extensive surveys of woodland in south Lincolnshire and the massive and detailed Sempringham Priory survey for English Heritage (now Historic England).