Supporting the next generation of archaeologists

Over the last 12 months, APS have been hosting two placements as part of Heritage Lincolnshire’s involvement in the lottery funded Historic Environment Skills project. This ‘Heritage Skills for the Future’ programme is a partnership between Lincolnshire County Council (Historic Skills Centre), Lincoln Cathedral and the Lincolnshire based heritage charity. Over the life of the project, it aims to offer a variety of placements to young people and those changing careers in a wide variety of traditional skills, many of which are struggling to encourage career entry level and support developing the next generation of professional craftspeople.
Asa Beeby and Maeya Ember joined our team of archaeologists in September 2018. Over the course of the year have learnt a wide variety of archaeological skills, helping them work towards achieving a BAJR Skills Passport and also work alongside senior archaeologists Paul Cope Faulkner and Neil Parker to undertake a Level 3 NVQ in Archaeological Practise.
Since completing the placement, Asa has remained at APS as a Site Assistant, whilst Maeya has taken up a place at University to study archaeology. You can read and watch more about their experiences on their placement on Heritage Lincolnshire’s news page.