APS achieves health & safety recognition

APS is pleased to confirm that following a recent review in health and safety practice and competence, it has achieved SSIP Member Scheme certification for the year ahead. The organisation underwent assessment under SMAS Worksafe Contractor Scheme which reviews those working within the construction industry against a series of standards which must all be met to gain accreditation. As minimum SMAS standards also meet core criteria required for Safety Schemes In Procurement (SSIP Forum), APS is also eligible for inclusion as an approved contractor within their members database.
Denise Drury, Archaeology Team Leader at APS said “The SSIP certification is an industry recognised standard that gives both our clients and those working within construction confidence in an organisation’s health and safety procedures and processes. For any fieldwork we undertake, this accreditation shows we take health and safety seriously and will work with all those on site to ensure standards are maintained and best practise is followed.”